"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

Harry has reached the age where he is starting to comprehend the Santa phenomenon.   The Santa debate is one that I really just don’t want to be a part of.  I have heard all the arguments about how belief in Santa is lying to your children, how traumatized people where when they found out that Santa didn’t exist, and how it diminishes the meaning of the Christmas season.

Folks, I ain’t buying any of it.

I don’t remember being particularly scandalized when my best friend, Bonnie, broke the news to me that Santa was a myth.  I already had deep-seated suspicions based on the uncanny resemblence of Santa’s signature to my mother’s distinctive, elegant penmanship.  Any momentary disappointment I felt was far overbalanced by the previous many years of simple childhood magic.  Wonder, of the innocent, benign variety is something that my adult world sorely lacks and I will not steal one moment of it from my son.

And wonder is the spirit of Christmas, isn’t it?  

Harry knows that Christmas is Jesus’s birthday.  Of course, he is possessive of birthdays, and would like to lay claim to every birthday for himself.  Thankfully, Jesus is happy to share – Suffer the little children to come unto me, and all that.  Because Jesus shares his birthday with all of us, Harry knows that Santa brings all the boys and girls presents.  We have our creche under the tree.  And we have Santa.

That, in a nutshell, is the meaning of Christmas.

Christ came to bring His Kingdom to all the people of the world, Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, and to instruct us to share our earthly kingdom with each other.  

‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40

To aspire to be Christ is not something I have the arrogance to do.  But I know I can be Santa.

While you are buying your presents this year, take a moment to remember those who are the least of our human family.

Got family that doesn’t appreciate those home-made gifts this year?  I know a few little boys and girls who will:

Afghans for Afghans

Project Linus

Binky Patrol

Mother Bear Project

Or did you buy supplies with the best of intentions to MAKE those homemade gifts and time got the best of you?  These folks could make good use of them:

The Kateri Circle

How about letting our brothers and sisters far from home know that we are still thinking of them?

The Ship Project

Spend a little of your time and labor to reach out and let a complete stranger in your town, your country or halfway around the world know that you care about them on Christmas.  Or simply write out a check to your charity of choice – in these times they need what you can spare.  Buy a little less and give a little more.   

Go Be Santa.  

Help make sure that he doesn’t miss the least of these, those who need him the most.

Peace on Earth.  Merry Christmas.

December 3rd, 2008 at 5:11 pm
8 Responses to “I have seen Santa and he is us.”
  1. 1
    Ulrich Says:

    My mother told me there was no Santa when I was 6.

    I wasn’t phased much at all, I had it pretty much figured out because I kept finding “Santa’s Presents” in the top of the closet. – my family not too creative. – you love Harry, he’ll be fine with the truth when you are ready to share it with him.

    Through my life I’ve learned that there is a Santa just like you are talking – only he isn’t a singular person, he is the kindness to others in all of us. Thanks for the blog it is great.

    Me, I try to give to the local rescue mission and always participate in the toys for tots done by the Marines.

    Feliz Navidad

  2. 2
    Deirdre Says:

    Good for you.

    oh and I think that my mom’s “Santa handwriting” was a give-a-way for me too. Odd how that works out.

  3. 3
    OS Says:

    My mother’s side didn’t do “Santa is real” and my father’s side did. So I never really believed. Now as a grown up, I absolutely believe, for the very reasons you have stated here. We are all Santa. So my kids believe, as well. Bear very unselfishly agreed to keep believing for his little brother’s sake. As they get older, I hope I am able to teach them to grow up to be Santa, too. We like to buy a gift for the world every year at Heifer Project. Thanks for the new ideas, too!

  4. 4
    Willow Says:

    Robbin, this is a completely AWESOME post!

  5. 5
    magpie Says:

    Love those links of yours.

  6. 6

    […] of my favorite bloggers inspired me today.  Kitty and Robbin.  Robbin sent me into thinking about Santa first thing this morning.  And Kitty made a list!  […]

  7. 7
    Kat Says:

    Santa, like Groove, is in the heart.

  8. 8
    William McNaughton Says:

    I managed to make it through Santa transitions without trauma.

    The old boy managed to shift from Nice Fat Guy Who Brings Me Goodies through Mysterious Mystical Guy Who Goes Down All Chimneys At The Same Time to Metaphorical Manifestion of the Spirit of Goodwill in Mankind without me ever feeling mislead or lied to.

    Dunno how it worked out that way.
