"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

This may be the most disturbing thing I have ever crocheted:

Happy Egg!

For Diana. To go with her toast. Don’t ask, I am a little hazy on it myself.

July 10th, 2008 at 10:22 am
8 Responses to “Got Breakfast?”
  1. 1
    Stephanie Says:

    Oh my god! That’s just awesome!

    If you really want disturbing, try making a fetus! I was a member at a forum years ago that had someone crocheting “fetus” handbags that they called the “Amniotic Sac.” It was Pepto pink with a little fetus crocheted and attatched.

  2. 2

    Love it!

  3. 3
    Bambi Says:

    that is so cute!

  4. 4
    Deirdre Says:

    the “sunny smile up” egg is adorable. the fetus bags on the other hand I find …..disturbing.
    But I guess that was probably the point of them. to disturb people, get them to think. but still….eeew

    very cute breakfast crochet though. Does the toast have a face as well? what expression does toast favor? something crustier than a smile I’d think.

    sorry. I couldn’t help that.

  5. 5
    charlotte Says:

    that is pretty cute!

  6. 6
    Kat Says:

    Could be worse… could be this:

    And I swear, the first person who decides this is a good idea to celebrate the babydom gets taken off my Christmas card list. And fed to LOLcats.

  7. 7
    Willow Says:

    I love it!

  8. 8
    magpie Says:

    i think it’s cute. though the face maybe is a little disturbing…:)