"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

My son, without prompting, used his potty for solid-waste deposition this morning.

And promptly reminded me what this meant.

Must go buy more chocolate.

And I must remind my son to be grateful – at this point in his life, parental pride more easily earned than it will be at any point in his future.


June 4th, 2008 at 3:15 pm
4 Responses to “An update. This time with more chocolate.”
  1. 1
    jodifur Says:

    I say this in the most loving way-


    Carry on.

  2. 2

    Yay for your victory! Potty training for us came in fits and starts, forward and back, off then on. We went through a lot of chocolate last summer.

  3. 3
    Deirdre Says:


    bri you crack me up.

  4. 4

    Congrats! Worth every penny.