And I don’t mean emotionally, either.
Sheila gets next dibs in the oh-god-give-me-material quest. Don’t worry, I am getting them all in approximate order, and if you posted a question I will get to it. Plus, I need to milk this until my writer’s block is over.
To post an earlier pic, this:
Is my armor. It is a product of 26 years of trial and error about what works and does not work for me. The first 20 years were pretty much all about function. I did not have a very good-looking, coherent or historical kit. The last five years have been a concerted effort to move myself in an actual direction, which is more or less Varangian as far as the hard kit is concerned (my soft kit has advanced a little more and is solidly Outer Hebridies).
Let’s see, starting from the top:
Helmet – this is from White Mountain Armories. Adam Berry (Master Magnus, in the SCA), is not only a highly skilled armorer, he is a truly fabulous human being.
Gorget – unseen – from GAA, who is, to my last understanding, out of business. Too bad, I got a lot of nice work from Master Geoffrey.
Arms – I wear no upper arm protection. This is not recommended for the new fighter or the faint of heart. My lower arms/elbows are from a former worker at GAA. Hardened leather and a perfect fit.
Body armor – lamellar cuirasse again from White Mountain. Adam had this set already laced for a small fighter. I SWEAR it had my name on it. I won’t tell you what I paid, but I promise you it was worth every penny. He put on the pteruges (the leather flap skirt), to which I added the medallions. The skirt, however, is eventually on its way out. It will be replaced when I upgrade to a new gambeson (and here is where I skillfully insert an answer to Sara’s question) – I am making a linen aketon (gambeson) diamond-quilted with cotton batting. At that point, the cuirasse will have a black scalloped edging put on it. The shoulder pieces were hand-tooled with combattant rams by THL Malcolm MacAdaim, and will stay. The belt is a gift from my Knight and was his original squire’s belt, made when he squired to Duke John of Ean Airgead. It will also stay as long as I don’t piss him off.
Tunic – I made this – red linen embroidered with white crescents. They are my Knight’s colors and symbols. See, even Duchesses wear livery when appropriate.
Groin – unseen – a commercial women’s athletic protector, available at Academy Sports.
Legs – I don’t wear thigh armor (see disclaimer in “Arms” above). I do wear Crash pads, which are hidden under my pants, and don’t do much more than take a bit of the sting off. The lower legs are shovel greaves from GAA again. I LOVED their stuff. They will eventually be on their way out. I am going to hidden knees and shinguards with wickelbanden and turnshoes.
Gauntlets – my full gaunts are EGG armories. It is the only nod to plastic that I make, but they are truly the very best I have ever worn as far as function for these little mitts of mine. The half gaunts are a gift from Duke Maelgwyn of the Outlands – another very cool dude, and an unexpected gift. I have a pair Drogo made me as well, but I need to shorten the cuffs. I rotate my wrists too much.
The shield shown is not my usual shield – Charlotte has that to paint, but I have slacked and not sent her a picture to use as a model. Bad, bad squire. The sword is also not my usual sword. Borrowed from Ulrich. He has some fast sticks, I am telling you.
So that covers ONE of her questions. The chronology of my epic travels will form another blog…