We interrupt your three-part miniseries of misery with a breaking story of new woe from Casa de Awareness. This just in, overheard by a representative who prefers to remain anonymous:
Momma-de-Awareness: <singing with the television>
Harry: <playing game distractedly> Momma, stop that.
M-d-A: Stop what?
H: That singing. I don’t want to hear that singing.
M-d-A: <looking utterly, incomprehensibly crushed >
H: <soothingly> But it’s okay, I still love you.
<M-d-A exits weeping, stage left, H returns to game, fade to black>
August 4th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
One Response to “Kick a girl when she’s down…”
awwwww…..not what you needed to hear, eh?