"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

I couldn’t get a good picture of it glowing in the dark, but here it is in plain, old, daylight:

Skull Hat


It’s a Christmas gift for my nephew and, oh, so Christmas-y, don’t you think?  Right in with the theme of the season.  I asked his mom (my sister, Jen) his favorite colors, and she said she wasn’t sure he had one, but he was “into skulls” right now.

Skulls it is, then.

Merry Christmas.  Good Will to all Men.

November 13th, 2008 at 10:05 am
7 Responses to “The hat in question”
  1. 1
    bec Says:

    now that cole has seen it, he thinks it definitely rocks, for sure. and when i told him that you made it, he said “WHOA! COOL!”

    one eleven year old boy very impressed.

  2. 2
    Stephanie Says:

    I think it’s awesome.

  3. 3

    I want one.

  4. 4
    gerbil Says:

    That? Is an awesomely awesome +5 Hat of Awesomeness, no saving throw.

  5. 5
    Rey Says:

    Didn’t know Skulls were a color but it came out pretty cool (although I now think all hats need a beard attached to them)

  6. 6

    […] up with Christmas – Remember that Skull Hat?  Well, said nephew has a much younger sister.  So I have just finished […]

  7. 7

    Dang, you’re good. I think he will love it.