There are few days that an order of fried pickles and a cherry limeade cannot make better.
This day is no exception.
Thanks to Sheila of Coffee and Shoes for the virtual beer:
And for taking me out at lunch for said fried pickles and frosty beverages while we debated and bemoaned the Cassandras of today’s US economy.  And for hauling my temporarily-handicapped-ass all over kingdom come and back. Because I sure as HELL know that it isn’t for my sad sack company lately. I have to agree with her, even in my current depressed state – down with the pessimists!
I will pass this on to the following:
To Amy-Renee at Pinkwings and Bambi at Sun in a Purple Sky – neither update their blogs much (and when A-R does, she does it on private MySpace and you can’t see it, na-na-na.)Â I happen to know that both of them could seriously use a beer, and I am hoping that A-R and I will be remedying that situation this very weekend (well, with mojitos, anyway).
To Shep at Do Something! Life has been so hectic that he owes me a picture, so I KNOW he must need a beer.
To Charlotte at Two Mice and a Cracker – the new job is keeping her offline and away from us, and I am pretty damned sure she needs it. If it didn’t break all kinds of stupid Southern interstate liquor laws, I would be boxing up a case of frosty adult beverages and sending them to her. We miss you!
Lastly, to Dierdre at Scream of Continuousness and her husband Martin, who are about to become parents for the very first time. The good Lord knows, as well as all the rest of us parents looking back, that they probably need that beer most of all.
I sincerely hope you had more than just cherry limeade.
thanks! I think I’ll join you in the mojito’s version. 😉
Hey – got a new blog. Needed a place to put the more random things in my head. Not Anonymous. Hopefully things there will cheer you if not daily, then at least occasionally!
I wish I could take you for beers when things suck. But you picked the wrong side of the Kingdom.