This is a Public Service Announcement
After perusing the search terms by which many of you have arrived here, I feel I should perform a bit of bloggy service, just for you.
“La vie dansante” translates to “the dancing life.” It means a carefree way of living, a life of joy, “going with the flow.”
It is also a song by Jimmy Buffet.
And now I will direct you to the original blog entry by that title.
This entry just a lagniappe from the friendly staff here at My Level of Awareness.
(PS – lagniappe (LAN-yopp) – a little something extra)
April 29th, 2008 at 8:40 pm
One Response to “Mystery Solved”
Hehehe.. just one more day I get to read about myself! Although that blog makes me teary everytime I read it! I am missing you today!!!! LOVE YOU!