"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

Just a couple of material comforts that made up for my business-trip mishaps:

 Despite having to pay a stupid amount of money for it, even after the rebate, I have replaced my 3125 with my first love in smartphones:

Sexy electronics

My sexy new Blackjack.  Only mine is actually sexier with the black menu bars and red poppy wallpaper.

And, while we are on sexy appliances, that new Kitchen Aid food processor arrived at my doorstep while I was away.  This weekend, I made fishcakes, and I am pleased to report that the processor is exactly all it is cracked up to be.

You may now drool with envy.

April 16th, 2007 at 2:37 pm
5 Responses to “Silver Linings”
  1. 1
    jodi Says:

    I have a motorola Q, which I love more than anything.

  2. 2
    Moira Says:

    I don’t know what to envy first, the right damned sexy smartphone (oh, if I could justify one for my existence), or the food processor (which I could justify, maybe).

    Let me wipe the drool from my keyboard….

  3. 3

    I may have to break down and get a smartphone next time. I just bought a Dell Axim X51v literally two weeks before they were discontinued. It looks like the free-standing PDA is doomed and the smartphone will be filling that niche.


  4. 4
    Moose Says:

    She gets the QWERTY keyboard, but you get the gorgeous VGA screen. I would take that trade.

  5. 5
    Peregrine Says:

    I tried to convince my boss that I’d be glad to beta test the iPhone for the company once they come out, but he only laughed at me…. I do get a CrackBerry in a couple of months when we upgrade our computers, tho!