"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein


I want to say thanks to Gerbil at There’s a Penguin on the Telly for giving me my first (and only) blogger award.  She just tagged me as a “Thinking Blogger”:

Blogs that make me think

 The flag above will take you back to the origin of the award.

Now, I am charged with the task of passing on the love, and tag five blogs that make ME think. 

I will admit to being a fits-and-starts blog reader.  There are some that I read more or less everyday, and there are some that I tune in to infrequently, then read everything that I missed madly.  And some of my favorite “Thinkers”, like Her Bad Mother, Bub and Pie and Toddled Dredge  have already been nominated.

But here is my short list of bloggers that never really leave me when I navigate away from the page, no matter what the frequency of my visits:

The first is one that I don’t read everyday, but it is the first blog I read that startled me with it’s candidness, with the author’s ability to bring her inner life outward, warts and all, in a way that was hauntingly beautiful.  And her ability to do the same thing with photography is amazing.  I don’t know if she has it, or even if she will know if I gave it to her, but Mom on a Wire remains a complete inspiration to me.

Christy of From the Mountain Top to the Valley Floor is raising her son, Elias in Alaska.  Elias was born a micropreemie, four MONTHS premature.  Her honest writing about the self-examination, uncertainty, and joy of seeing him grow is pure eloquence.  

 Beck, at Frog and Toad are Still Friends is one of my favorite kind of bloggers – the kind that writes about everyday things in a way that transcends the everyday.  It’s the thoughfulness “in the moment” that intrigues me, because that’s how I like to live my life.  Must be my inner Buddha talking.  If she hasn’t already gotten tagged on this, there is some sort of massive oversight going on.

And because I am in an “Up with Older Moms” kind of mood, I am also going to tag the absolute best of our underrepresented lot – Antique Mommy.  Middle age tends to make you thoughtful in a retrospective kind of way.  But raising a very young child at the same time means you project yourself back into your past, and forward into their future in a way that makes you feel the full scope of life like you never have before.  Antique Mommy does this in a way that makes me want to scream “YES! YES!” at the computer screen a lot.  Except, they tend to frown on that around my office on my lunchbreak.

And I am going to stop there because those are the blogs that jumped into my mind right away and demanded my attention when I got tagged.  You won’t find a couple of them on my blogroll only because I am a slacker when it comes to updating links.

I am going to waive the obligation for my nominees to pass it forward – do it if you have, like I did, some bloggers in the forefront of your mind that make you go “oh, yes!” when you think of what a “Thinking Blogger” is.  Mostly, I just want those folks to know how much I have really enjoyed their writing and how much of it I have taken home.

March 28th, 2007 at 11:04 am
2 Responses to “This got me thinking…”
  1. 1
    Christy Says:

    Robbin, I found your blog on the anniversary of Katrina and your words moved me more than any of the news articles I’d read. And I can’t tell you how many times your comments on one of my posts has made me go aha…or smile…or pause. So then I visit you over here, even though I’m a very rare commenter indeed. I want to…but then my computer time is so limited that what I want to do on the computer and what i have to do are rarely one and the same. So let’s just say, I’m very honored to be chosen by you, a fellow scrappy woman who is not afraid of a fair fight:)

  2. 2
    Beck Says:

    Oh my goodness, thank you. I’m so very, very flattered.