"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

I have been tagged by Jodi to participate in the Real Mom meme that has been working it’s way across the Mom circuit.  Basically the rules are this:  Put up a post “Real Moms [insert what you do here]”, followed by an explanation, a picture, and a “Real Moms. Making ….”. Then tag five people.

If you have been reading this blog regularly, you know that I occasionally travel for business.  In an active study, this amounts to about two days on the road every three weeks.  Not a particularly heavy travel burden in the great scheme of things, and significantly less than the position I held with my firm thirteen years ago.  I went through periods back then where I didn’t spend more than three days at a stretch in a single time zone.   But, I also didn’t have a toddler in those days.

After a rocky start, Harry has adjusted to the absences fairly well.   I call him every evening, and I send him emails with pictures and audio from my cell phone.  I bring him back presents from every trip, because I remember my Dad doing that from time to time when he traveled (which was a lot), and I always remember the breathless anticipation of searching his luggage to see what came home for me.

And I have learned to be a morning person.  An omigod-it’s-so-early-the-birds-aren’t-up morning person.  If I catch a 6am flight home, I can clock in at the office upon returning and by noon my reports are filed and I can guiltlessly cut out of the office, pick Harry up from daycare, and have a playday.

Last week it was the Wonder Place.  Harry played with complete abandon for two and a half hours.  If my attention wandered in any way, he quickly recalled his place in the center of my universe with a loud “Mama!  Mama!”   Look at me!  Look at me!   My presence was mainly required as a spectator.  He was the sole orchestrator of his fun.  I was cast in the role of appreciative audience, but a role that was nevertheless absolutely required – in fact, commanded. 

It was a part I was more than happy to play, and I applauded enthusiastically at every appropriate interval (and a few inappropriate ones).  I also acted as both bank and concessionaire, procuring goldfish and juice at intermission.  Even in this marginal role, by the time I ushered him out the door, I was exhausted.  The combination of rising to my alarm at 3am, and maintaining my constant attention had utterly done me in.  I don’t think I have gone to bed before 9pm since I was six years old.  Until now.

But that’s okay.

In balancing the books of time,

Harry cashes out

 I figure I still owe him a few.

Real Moms, making up for lost time.

As to tagging?  I tag all the non-moms who read my blog.  When was that moment that made your mom a “Real Mom” to you?  Same rules apply.

March 26th, 2007 at 9:47 am
11 Responses to “Real Moms take it on the road…”
  1. 1
    jodi Says:

    Great post! Thanks for playing!

  2. 2
    Sarah Says:

    Tag noted. It may take a few days to do that right, but I’m thinkin’ on it.

  3. 3
    Sabine Says:

    Hell hath frozen over.

    CondoInHell has its first (and only) Mommy Blog entry.

  4. 4
    Kat Says:

    I’m in.
    Might be worth something… I don’t know.

  5. 5
    April Says:

    I so dread my first business trip away from my children. And its coming up soon (in a few months). I think I’ll take your approach!

  6. 6
    kylie Says:

    I’m game…might be a long one…..

  7. 7
    Sarah Says:

    Done! It only took me 3 days to get it posted.

  8. 8

    […] Bri tagged us non-moms for this and I most certainly fit the bill of a non-mom.  I’m a bona fide, […]

  9. 9
    Cinnkitty Says:

    Yeppers!! You get the brownie points! Nice job. 🙂 Everyone else is gonna be mad you got it before them!!

    Oh, sorry — here’s the link to my non-mom part.

    Strolling down memory lane, most of mine make me want to walk faster.

  10. 10
    kylie Says:

    i finally got mine done too- i’m down half a box of kleenex, but i’m done.

  11. 11

    […] 29th, 2007 by kjcorri Bri was tagged with a “Real Mom” meme, and she passed along a challenge to us non-moms to […]