In accordance with one of the many laws of Murphy, I have contracted rotavirus from my son (courtesy of the bacterial cesspool alternately termed “daycare”) just in time to take my vacation. Trying to find a silver lining in my misery, I am comforted only that I will start my vacation with a clean colon (for the second time in as many months), and a rather euphoric lightheaded feeling brought on by dehydration. And there is, of course, the added bonus that I won’t have to take any time off, because I had conveniently already scheduled for it. Aren’t I a considerate employee? How many other people maximize their productivity by rolling their sick days and vacations together so efficiently?
As a consequence of my imminent departure, “My Level of Awareness” is taking a brief sabbatical until next Monday. If you don’t hear from me by then, assume the virus is continuing to hold me hostage and alert the CDC.
I am so sorry you got the rotavirus, that totally sucks.
feel better soon.
Aw, honey, I hope you’re doing better by now…
Stupid, stupid rotavirus.
There ought to be a law: you get the stomach flu one time, and you’re done for two years minimum.
You’re tough…. I know you’ll kick this thing’s butt in no time!!
It’s “next Monday”…. where’s my girl? I’ve got the CDC on speed dial, just in case I don’t hear from you by tomorrow. :oD
Hope you’re feeling better, and that your menfolk haven’t caught the yuck again too.