"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

Much to my everlasting chagrin, this, shown much smaller than life-sized:


Looks shockingly real when it drops out of the bedclothes onto the mattress in a dim room at night.

I have been punk’d by a 15-month old.

October 5th, 2006 at 11:39 am
2 Responses to “Things that go “Plop!” in the night”
  1. 1
    Charlotte Says:

    OMG from one who has a SERIOUS phobia of spiders – I freaked out when your page loaded…I can only imagine the effect that must have had in real life!

    Going to go find my stomach now….

  2. 2
    veronica Says:

    Oh, how awful and funny at the same time. I can just imagine the toddler sounds of delight.