"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

Just don’t have it in me today folks.  Ennui has completely taken over and won.  I have not had such a complete lack of inertia since,…well, since at least sixth grade.

Not really sick – except the constant joint pain and fatigue that has plagued me since a few months after Harry was born, but that is sub-chronic and bearable.  Just…extremely…blah.


A hundred waiting projects and no enthusiasm for any of them.


Waiting protocols up to my tushie at work and no ability to focus.


Come back later when the muse hits me.

August 14th, 2006 at 4:04 pm
8 Responses to “The apathy and the ecstasy…”
  1. 1
    Kat Says:

    It’s hard to be motivated when it’s 104 outside.

  2. 2
    Sarah Says:

    I think my drive kidnapped yours and took her for margaritas without telling us. I’m in the same boat today. Slept well and everything- I’m just oh, so very, blah.

  3. 3
    Robbin Says:

    I hope they bring back umbrella drinks when they come back. I could use a good one.

  4. 4
    Charles Says:

    I wouldn’t mention any specific mexican related drinks within earshot of Bambi for the next day or two. I am still sure I heard her cursing Mr. Cuervo in her sleep last night. I can’t reveal too many specifics about Saturday night but I have heard rumors that some of them got on stage at the Cats Meow.


  5. 5
    Kat Says:

    My drive wants to read about Route 66 and consider next year’s trip to Los Angeles — somewhere I really wasn’t intending to visit, but which I now find myself compelled to see.

  6. 6
    Charlotte Says:

    BamBam…..my intrest is peaked. You WILL have to spill the uh…beans.

  7. 7
    Bambi Says:

    It was a good night!!

  8. 8
    Cinnkitty Says:

    Sorry Robbin, the muse I tried to lend you came back “postage due” and I’ve been afraid to open the box because she’s been bitching up a storm. Something about “send me third class, huh? Oh she’ll pay..she’ll pay”. I’m pretty sure that “she’ll” is in reference to me. Be afraid… be very afraid!