"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

Have you ever had one of those days where you thought your head was going to explode all over someone, and it isn’t even lunchtime yet?

Oh yeah.

It’s one of those.

June 9th, 2008 at 11:56 am
5 Responses to “Put down the attitude and step away from the perimenopausal woman…”
  1. 1
    OS Says:

    I’m so with you, maybe we should arrange for sitters and go skeet shooting or cow tipping or drag racing tonight. grrr

  2. 2
    Harp Says:

    Dont sweat the small stuff.
    Its all small stuff.

    The only things that really matter are the people you surround your life with.


  3. 3
    Willow Says:

    Robbin, hope your day got better! That’s a good day to do something violent — got anything in your house that needs hammering? 🙂

  4. 4
    charlotte Says:

    i felt that way the moment i walked in the door at my job.

    now that I have no door to walk through, i feel much better. 🙂

  5. 5
    gerbil Says:

    Lately? Every danged day. I get a lot done by redirecting the frantic hot-flash-fueled, sleep-deprivation-enhanced, hormonal freakouts…. but lord, if that isn’t exhausting. Ten to 15 years of this to go??? Gravy.