"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

What I have:

  1. A massive headache
  2. A sweatshirt to compensate for my office building ‘fixing’ my A/C (Note to self – do not complain about the climate controls again ever, ever, ever.)
  3. A generally bad attitude from spending almost 2 mostly wasted hours in the doctor’s office
  4. A generally bad attitude from realizing that my Friday is feeling suspiciously like a Monday

What I do not have:

  1. My morning coffee
  2. Very much patience
  3. My trip report completed largely due to #3 in the list above
  4. Enough time in my day
  5. Anything that I feel particulary inspired to write about

Since my have-nots seem to have outnumbered my haves this morning, and particularly because of #5,  I will unashamedly leave you with some gratuitous cuteness:

Harry scrubbed clean

May 11th, 2007 at 11:48 am
One Response to “Haves and Have nots”
  1. 1
    Cinnkitty Says:

    No coffee??? No coffee?? Augh! What’s the world coming to???? The horror… the HORROR!!!! Sheer, absolute, HORROR!

    Oh.. and hope the sweatshirt is a cute one with a coffee logo on it.. you know the one. 🙂

    I’ll trade jobs with you… seriously….