"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." – Albert Einstein

I think it’s time for another one of these.

It isn’t that I don’t have stuff to write about.

It’s just that lately I have been reading my own blog and snoring.  Yeah, yeah, I could look at my son all day, but, as one who was amongst the ranks of the childless well into middle age, I know that gets old fast with those NOT under the influence of maternal hormones. 

And there has been a significant shift in audience.  Some of you know me less well than others.

So, here we go again:

“If you read my blog regularly (and there are some IP addresses that pop up pretty frequently, so you know who you are and so do I), I want you to ask me one question that you always wanted to ask me, but never found the right moment to ask.

Now is the right moment.  I am all ears and typing fingers.  Ask me a question and I will blog you the answers.  Nothing is particularly off-limits if it within the bounds of decency.  If, however, I deem the answer will hurt or embarrass somebody other than myself, I will reserve the right to answer privately.  And I am the final arbiter of what that means, since this is, after all, my blog.

If you only lurk, now is the time to delurk, drop a comment or an email, say hi, and keep me in material.  Otherwise, I will start chronicling my child’s daily activities in minute and gory detail until all of you are asleep and drooling on your desks.  I’m a mom.  Trust me, you will wear out before I do.”

So ask questions.  Or there will be more of this:

Aww, isn't he cute?

Stand back.  I’m a mother with a brag book, and I know how to use it.

February 2nd, 2007 at 10:49 am
10 Responses to “Substance? You were expecting substance?”
  1. 1
    veronica Says:

    Hmm. Any question? Let’s see. I’m torn between earliest childhood memory and favorite fictional archvillain.

  2. 2
    jodi Says:

    that piture is adorable. Makes me a little ad we don’t have a tree.

    Hmmmm question-how did you meet your husband? And sorry if that’s been answered.

  3. 3
    Sarah Says:

    Ok. I’m feeling deep today, so here goes:

    As far as I can tell, we all have those moments that we re-play in our heads and think “If I had chosen that other door, things would be so much different right now.”

    What’s your big “door”? How do you think things would have changed? Better, worse, just as good but different?

  4. 4
    Kat Says:

    Strangely, I’d thought about that whole idea, too… except, if I’d done it early last week, I might have picked a fight that I wouldn’t want to finish on a blog.

    Then, that is.

    Okay… since you asked me the BIG question last time, I’ll ask one… but you may not want to answer it publically. And I’ll understand that, too.

    It’s a two-parter.

    Do you feel a certain apathy growing in our kingdom? And what can we do about it?

  5. 5
    Tara Says:

    Toilet paper over the roll or under? Just for something light.

  6. 6
    Moira Says:

    That picture? Can I use it as my Christmas card for next year? My kids don’t do anything nearly as picturesque.

    But that’s not really my question. My deep question is: How do you deal with asshats within an SCA group? The ones who get pissed when you don’t drink their kool-aid. (This is NOT thankfully, my current group!)

  7. 7
    Kat Says:

    I LOVE that last question!

  8. 8
    M&Co. Says:

    Questions? Can’t say I have any. I too often worry about what to write. And then I worry about having the time to write. I guess I may be delurking cause I don’t remember leaving a comment before.

  9. 9
    bubandpie Says:

    Problem #1: That photo is just heart-stopping. Seriously, I just want to look at it all day. Very poor threat-material.

    Problem #2: Not really a problem, but we’ll say it is for the sake of parallelism: that’s a very carefully worded challenge you’ve got there! I just flat-out promised to answer anything and then waited nervously, prepared to eat my words if necessary. That’s the advantage of having an analytical brain instead of a propensity to exaggerate.

    Okay, a question. What’s your Myers-Briggs personality type? You may have told me that already over at my place (I ask that question a lot), so I’ll add another one: Are you an optimist or a pessimist? (Ditto. I’m so not original with my question-asking.)

  10. 10
    Russ Says:

    No question, just a waving of hello!